3002 Invalid structure size passed to FolderBrowse
3003 Failure initializing FolderBrowse. Possibly\n due to insufficient memory.
3004 Failure finding custom template for FolderBrowse
3005 Instance handle not passed to FolderBrowse
3006 Failure loading specified string
3007 Failure finding specified resource
3008 Failure loading specified resource
3009 Failure locking specified resource
3010 Failure allocating memory for internal FolderBrowse structure
3011 Failure locking memory for internal FolderBrowse structure
3012 No hook function passed to FolderBrowse but ENABLEHOOK\n was passed as a flag
3013 Failure setting up resources for FolderBrowse
3014 Failure parsing strings in [devices]\nsection of WIN.INI
3015 PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag was set but either the \nhDevMode or hDevNames field was nonzero
3030 Choose a Folder
3031 LiveUpdate
3032 An internal error has occurred. LiveUpdate cannot continue.
3033 Technical Information
3034 Message ID:
3036 LiveUpdate cannot continue because there is not enough memory available. Close all other programs and run LiveUpdate again. If this error occurs again, restart your computer and run LiveUpdate again.
3038 LiveUpdate has been disconnected possibly because of a noisy phone line. Run LiveUpdate again later.
3039 LiveUpdate got a busy signal. Run LiveUpdate again later.
3040 LiveUpdate cannot connect because the LiveUpdate server is not available. Run LiveUpdate again later.
3041 LiveUpdate cannot get a dial tone.\n\n1. Make sure the phone line is connected from the\n modem to the telephone jack in the wall.\n2. If the modem is external to the computer, make sure\n the cable from the modem is connected to the\n computer.\n3. Run LiveUpdate again.
3042 LiveUpdate cannot continue the update(s) because the LiveUpdate server became unavailable. Run LiveUpdate again later.
3043 LiveUpdate cannot communicate with your modem. If your modem is external to your computer:\n\n- Make sure the modem is on.\n- Make sure the cable from the modem is connected\n to the computer and run LiveUpdate again.
3044 Another program is currently using the modem. Either exit the other program or wait until it s finished with the modem and run LiveUpdate again.
3045 LiveUpdate cannot communicate with your modem because it is not configured properly.\n\n1. Delete the modem from your system.\n2. Add the modem back into your system.\n3. Run LiveUpdate again.
3046 LiveUpdate cannot get information from the LiveUpdate server because your computer is running slowly. Close all other programs and run LiveUpdate again. If this error occurs again, restart your computer and run LiveUpdate again.
3047 LiveUpdate was unable to make a connection. Check your internet connection and try again.
3049 < 5 Seconds
3050 Are you sure you want to cancel LiveUpdate? Click "Yes" to\nexit LiveUpdate or click "No" to continue.
3051 There is not enough room for the update(s) on the hard drive\nthat has the Windows directory. Make more space available\non the hard drive and run LiveUpdate again.
3052 LiveUpdate can t find some files it needs. To use LiveUpdate, reinstall the product and run LiveUpdate again.
3053 Windows is not responding properly to requests from LiveUpdate. Restart your computer and run LiveUpdate again.
3054 LiveUpdate has determined that your product already has the most recent update.
3055 You are already running LiveUpdate for another product.
3056 LiveUpdate cannot find an internet connection.\n\n- Make sure the cables for your internet connection are\n properly connected and run LiveUpdate again.\n- Your internet service provider might be down or the\n network you are using for the internet might be down.\n Run LiveUpdate again later.
3057 Connecting to %s
3058 Retrying %s
3059 LiveUpdate
3060 Welcome!
3061 Retrieving Information
3062 Select Updates
3063 In Progress
3064 LiveUpdate Complete!
3065 Getting Latest Product Information
3066 Retrieving Data
3067 Minutes
3068 Seconds
3069 bytes
3070 Kb
3071 There is not enough room on your hard drive (the\nhard drive on which this product is\ninstalled) to run LiveUpdate.\n\n- To continue LiveUpdate, make more space\n available on this hard drive and click "OK".\n- To exit LiveUpdate, click "Cancel".
3072 LiveUpdate cannot copy files to your hard drive.\n\n- To continue LiveUpdate, make sure your hard drive is unlocked.\n To unlock your hard drive, turn the key in your computer s\n front panel. Then click "OK".\n- To exit LiveUpdate, click "Cancel".
3073 Your computer has lost its internet connection. This probably happened because your internet service provider is down or the network you are using for the internet is down. Run LiveUpdate again later.
3074 Find device automatically
3075 Modem
3076 Internet
3078 To use LiveUpdate, you need a modem or an internet connection. LiveUpdate cannot find a modem or an internet connection in your computer system.\n\nMake sure your modem or internet connection is working and run LiveUpdate again.
3079 You need to restart your computer for the update(s) to take effect. You can do this now or at a more convenient time. Thank you for using LiveUpdate.
3080 Thank you for using LiveUpdate.
3081 LiveUpdate detected a problem while retrieving the update(s). The update(s) will not be installed onto your computer.\n\nRun LiveUpdate again.
3082 How do you want to connect to a LiveUpdate server?
3083 LiveUpdate will connect to a LiveUpdate server using:
3085 You chose to use an internet connection for LiveUpdate. LiveUpdate cannot find an internet connection on your computer system.\n\nMake sure your internet connection is working and run LiveUpdate again.
3086 LiveUpdate is finding out which updates are available for your product.
3087 LiveUpdate is getting the update(s) you selected and installing the update(s) on your computer.
3088 Retrieving available update information
3089 Retrieving the update(s)
3090 LiveUpdate was unable to open the communication port. Restart your computer and try again.
3091 LiveUpdate Disconnect
3092 Do you want to close your internet connection?
3095 Network Server
4835 PATHREGKEYNOTFOUND: The registry key for determining the path to copy to was not found.
4836 TRIUNZIPERROR: Data corruption error (zip).
4837 TRINOTINSTANTIATED: Data corruption error (object COnramp).
4838 HASLATESTPACKAGE: CPackageList found latest package already instantiated.
4839 UNZIPENGINENOTFOUND: Unable to find unzip engine (SYMUZP32.DLL)
4840 TRINOTRECEIVED: Error getting SYMTRI.ZIP from host.
4848 STARTDOWNLOADFAILED: Failure connecting.
4849 HALNOTINITIALIZED: Unable to initialize HAL module.
4850 COMMDEVICENOTFOUND: No suitable HAL found.
4876 SC_FILENOTFOUND: Cannot find the file we are looking for.
4891 INVALIDHOST: host specified in connect call not found in host data file.
4892 INVALIDTARGETDIR: Download target directory does not exist.
4893 BADPHONENUM: The phone number passed to the HAL was not valid.
4894 DIN_USE: An attempt was made to download a file when while another download was in progress and HAL was in blocking mode.
4895 LSV_NOTCONNECTED: Attempt to do local network function when server is not available.
4896 FTP_NOTCONNECTED: Attempt to do Internet or FTP function before properly connected to FTP site.
4897 COMMLINKBUSY: An operation was attempted on a file link that was already busy.
4898 ALR_INUSE: An attempt was made to open a modem or FTP connection that is already in use. Could happen in 16 bit. Probably indicates a bug in 32 bit environment.
4899 OP_ABORT: Operator abort. This status is returned when HAL processes a request to cancel the current operation.
4906 NOTENUFDISKSPACE: There is not enough space on the target drive to download a file.
4907 FREESPACEERROR: The system could not determine the available space on download target drive.
4908 DRIVENOTVALID: Attempt to download to a target drive that does not exist.
4909 CURDIRERROR: The system could not determine the current directory.
4912 LSV_REMPATHNOTAVAIL: Specified path to remote file was not available.
4913 LSV_REMPATHINVALID: Specified path to remote file is invalid.
4914 FTP_FILESMISSING: One or more necessary FTP files were missing (check for winsocket files).
4915 LSV_REMFILENOTFOUND: File transfer failed - file was not found on LAN server.
4916 FTP_REMFILENOTFOUND: An FTP transfer failed because the remote file could not be found.
4917 LSV_WRITELOCFILEERR: File transfer failed - error writing to the local file.
4918 FTP_WRITELOCFILEERR: There was an error writing to the local file during a file transfer.
4919 LSV_READREMFILEERR: File transfer failed - error reading the remote file.
4920 FTP_READREMFILEERR: There was an error reading the remote file during a file transfer.
4921 LSV_REMFILEOPENERR: File transfer failed - there was an error opening the file.
4922 FTP_REMFILEOPENERR: There was an error opening a file on the remote FTP site.
4923 LOCSERVNOTAVAIL: LAN server is not available.
4924 FTPOPENERROR: There was an error opening an FTP connection.
4925 INETOPENERROR: There was an error initializing the Internet interface. The client system may not be set up for Internet access.
4928 INVALIDCMD: An invalid command was found in a script.
4929 NOENDIF: An IF statement did not have a matching ENDIF statement.
4930 UNMATCHEDENDIF: An ENDIF statement was found that could not be matched to an IF or an ELSE statement.
4931 UNMATCHEDELSE: Found an ELSE statement that could not be matched to an IF statement.
4932 SCRIPTNOTFOUND: Named script not found in script file.
4933 SLINETOOLONG: Script line is too long. This could happen if script file has been corrupted.
4934 SFILEREADERR: Script file read error. File may be corrupted.
4935 SFILEOPENERR: Script file open error. File may be missing or drive is corrupted.
4938 MODEMINPUTERROR: Error reading input from the modem.
4939 LINKERR: Currently a catch all for modem link problems. Will be expanded later.
4940 MODEMNOTREADY: Modem is not ready - DSR line is low. Could mean modem is not attached or it may not be turned on.
4941 FILERECVERR: A file download ended unsuccessfully.
4942 IPORTNOTOPEN: Attempt to initialize modem on comm port that is not open.
4943 DNOTCONNECTED: Attempt to download on a modem port that is not connected to a host.
4944 RNOTCONNECTED: Attempt to read from a modem port that is not connected.
4945 MODEMINUSE: Comm port is already in use.
4946 NOTINITIALIZED: Attempt to use modem before it was initialized.
4947 NOCARRIER: The modem is not connected to a telephone line.
4948 RETRYCONNECTTIMEOUT: Modem failed to connect to host modem due to no answer - will retry
4949 RETRYCONNECTNODTONE: Modem failed to connect to host modem due to no dial tone - will retry
4950 RETRYCONNECTBUSY: Modem failed to connect to host modem due to busy signal - will retry
4951 RETRYCONNECTNOCARR: Modem failed to connect to host modem - will retry
4952 CONNECTFAILTIMEOUT: Modem connect to host modem failed because of no answer.
4953 CONNECTFAILNODTONE: Modem connect to host modem failed because no dialtone sounded.
4954 CONNECTFAILBUSY: Modem connect to host modem failed because of a busy signal.
4955 CONNECTFAILNOCARR: Modem connect to host modem attempt failed.
4956 CONNECTFAILED: Modem connection to host failed.
4957 MODEMDIALERROR: An error occurred while dialing the modem
4958 MODEMINITERROR: An error occurred while initializing the modem.
4959 NOMODEMFOUND: No modem was found.
4961 COMCLOSEERROR: Unable to close the comm port.
4962 COMISINVALID: An attempt was made to open an invalid comm port.
4963 COMBUFFERFULL: Comm port write buffer is full.
4964 COMBREAKRECVD: Comm port detected a break condition.
4965 COMPARITYERROR: Comm port detected character with a parity error.
4966 COMFRAMEERROR: Comm port detected character with framing error.
4967 COMOVERRUNERROR: Comm port overrun error. Data was lost because UART buffer was not read before being overwritten by incoming characters.
4968 COMOVERFLOWERROR: Comm port receive buffer overflow error. Data lost because characters in receive buffer were not processed fast enough.
4969 SPORTNOTOPEN: Attempt to write to a comm port that is not open.
4970 RPORTNOTOPEN: Attempt to read from a comm port that is not open.
4971 COMWRITEERROR: Unable to send data to comm port.
4972 RECVTIMEOUT: Timeout receiving data from comm port.
4973 COMSETUPERROR: There was an error setting comm port parameters.
4974 COMOPENERROR: There was an error opening the comm port.
4975 COMINUSE: The comm port is already in use, probably by another application.
4981 REMFILEPATHTOOLONG: Specified remote file path is too long.
4982 LOCFILEPATHTOOLONG: Requested receive file path is too long.
4983 LOCFILECREATEERR: There was an error creating or opening a local file prior to a file transfer.
4984 RESOURCEERR: Could not create a signal event.
4985 LSV_THREADERROR: There was an error starting or executing the LAN Server thread handler.
4986 FTP_THREADERROR: There was an error starting or executing the FTP thread handler.
4987 LSV_THRDWAITFAIL: LAN server handler thread failed while waiting for a command event.
4988 FTP_THRDWAITFAIL: Ftp handler thread failed while waiting for a command event.
4989 COMTHRDWAITFAIL: Wait for comm handler thread event failed.
4990 COMTHREADERR: There was a problem starting or executing the Comm handler thread .
4991 OUTMEM: Unable to allocate memory.
4992 OUTMEM_DQUEUE: Could not allocate memory for a download queue entry.
4993 OUTMEM_SCRIPT: Could not allocate memory for a script command line.
4994 OUTMEM_MONITOR: Could not allocate memory for a file transfer monitor object.
4995 OUTMEM_ZMODEM: Could not allocate memory for a ZMODEM file transfer object.
4996 OUTMEM_MDM: Could not allocate memory for a modem control object.
4997 OUTMEM_CLINK: Could not allocate memory for a comm link object.
4998 OUTMEM_PORT: Could not allocate memory for a comm port object.
9000 Setup Error
9001 Setup Warning
9005 end-user.txt
9006 License agreement file not found
9010 siwpipl.exe
9011 pipeline.ini
9012 pipedlg.dat
9013 mailbusi.ctl
9014 Unable to execute online registration program
9015 Unable to print registration information
9016 Electronic registration is currently available only for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico
9030 Dialing prefix may only contain numbers
9031 First Name not entered
9032 Last Name not entered
9033 Address not entered
9034 City not entered
9035 State not entered
9036 Zip/Postal code not entered
9037 Organization has less PCs than at work. Please correct you selections.
9038 You have already completed the registration process.
9039 Online Registration
9040 SOFTWARE\Symantec
9050 SIW.QPD
9051 You must enter a valid name in the Name field. Please try again.
9055 %s not found
9056 The list of required products is missing. SETUP aborting...
9060 Norton Utilities
9061 Provides the only continuous system protection and data
9062 recovery for Windows 95.
9063 Norton Navigator
9064 Guaranteed to make file management and working in
9065 Windows 95 faster and easier.
9066 Norton AntiVirus
9067 No product detects, destroys, and prevents more viruses